Meryem Saci

Rupert Common
Header Photo : Victor Le
Like dance battles, freestyle cyphers are an essential aspect of Hip-Hop Culture, and can include many styles of expression.
This year at JOAT we are hosting a Vocal Cypher Workshop, facilitated by DJ JUICE, Meryem Saci et Rupert Common.
This will be an open level workshop with instruction provided in French and English but with room for all languages to be shared.
Header Photo : Victor Le
And then, one day, there was Funk!
B-Girls and B-Boys from all over the world take turns challenging each other with daring creativity, following the rules of the JOAT game. Festive and electrifying!
Hip-hop dancers from all over the world take turns challenging each other with daring creativity, following the rules of the JOAT game. Festive and electrifying!
JOAT offers a platform for artists who want to improve their skills
Poppers from all over the world take turns challenging each other with daring creativity, following the rules of the JOAT game. Festive and electrifying!